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How to Add Facebook Pixel to Your Website

If you are using a Facebook Pixel to track events for your ads, you will want to add the Pixel code to your funnel and funnel steps.

What you will need:

  • Facebook Pixel Code
  • Events you want to track

Step 1: Add Pixel Code to Funnel

  • Copy the main pixel code from your Facebook Events Manager
  • Navigate to your Funnel.
  • Click Settings –> Paste in your Pixel Code to the Head Tracking Code Section.
  • Save your changes.

Step 2: Add in Event Specific Code to Individual Pages

  • Choose the Step where the event in question is occurring (e.g. Lead would occur after an Opt In)
  • Edit the Step.
  • Choose Settings –> Tracking Code.
  • Click Footer Code and paste in the Event Code.
  • Save your Changes.


Facebook Pixel Code (insert your ID in the IDHERE part of the code):

<!– Facebook Pixel Code –>








  s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window, document,’script’,


  fbq(‘init’, ‘IDHERE’);

  fbq(‘track’, ‘PageView’);


<noscript><img height=”1″ width=”1″ style=”display:none”



<!– End Facebook Pixel Code –>

Facebook Event Code: 


    fbq(‘track’, ‘EVENTHERE’);


List of Facebook Standard Events:

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