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How To Build, Manage and Use Manual Actions in Campaigns

Manual Actions are tasks added to your system in the form of a queue. They become available in a user’s account and are marked as complete once the user manually completes a task. To create and manage manual actions, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Create a Campaign

  • Navigate to Campaigns
  • Click + Create Campaign
  • Type in a Campaign Name.
  • Choose a folder where the campaign will be added from the dropdown.
    • NOTEYou may also edit an existing campaign instead of creating a new one.

Step 2: Set up the Campaign Configuration

  • Select Campaign Configuration to add information such as:
    • Window – Configure when the Campaign will run
    • Users – Assign users to campaign
    • Next campaign – Campaign that is next in the pipeline
    • From address – Shows from address 
    • Lead Value – $ value of lead
    • Tags – Tags assigned to campaign
    • Multiple Allow – Allows campaign visitors to visit the same or next campaign in the pipeline multiple times
    • Stop on Response – Stops all subsequent events in the case a lead responds to campaign
    • Event Start Date – Choose when the campaign will begin
  • Save to confirm your changes.

Step 3: Add an Event

  • Click on + Add Event
  • Click on Manual SMS or Manual Call for an event.
  • For a Manual SMS:
    • Type SMS name
    • Select template if needed
    • Custom Values – Select values from the drop down to be added to your SMS message
    • Trigger Links – Provide links to triggers created in your account
    • In the text box you may type out the SMS you want sent out
    • Custom Time – Toggle Custom time to on if you’d like the SMS to be sent out at a specific day and time
    • Attach file – Files such as logos can be added here
    • Add File Through URL – Add link here
  • You can test your message by entering a number and clicking on Send Test.
  • Click Save once you have the desired manual SMS
  • For a Manual Call:
  • This Adds manual call as a task for selected users after user is added to the campaign
  • Task is marked as complete after task is executed.
  • Save any changes you make to the campaign, and switch it from Draft to Published mode, in order for it to run.

Step 4: Accessing and Completing the Tasks/Manual Actions.

  • Once Contacts are added to the campaign(s) with manual SMS or call events, the tasks will be generated and formed into a queue you can access in the system.
  • Navigate to Contacts >Manual Actions.
  • Here you will see a list of your pending tasks/actions. 
    • They can be sorted by Campaign or Assignee (if you have multiple users). Once executed, the tasks can be marked complete.
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